Nevada County

Nevada County

March to get out the vote

The Constitution Day Parade is the perfect opportunity to galvanize our citizens to take the most important action of this election season: VOTE! Come join friends and neighbors in a powerful, non-partisan display of community and American solidarity as we march down Broad Street in the Constitution Day Parade on Sept. 15 in Nevada City.

Candidate forums schedule

The League of Women Voters of Nevada County will host four candidate forums and two pros and cons presentations about the ballot measures for this election cycle.

September edition of The Voter newsletter

Nov. 5 is coming up! We have many resources in the September Edition of The Voter newsletter for you to prepare to vote, including checking your voter status, candidate forums and pros and cons presentation schedule, resources for determining disinformation and misinformation, and a call for 100 marchers to help us get the vote out at the Constitution Day Parade on Sept. 15. 

nov 2024 election

See local Nevada County candidates and ballot measures appearing on the November 5, 2024 ballot HERE on YubaNet.

The Nevada County website also has listed the local candidates HERE and the local ballot measures HERE.


California voters are being asked to vote on ten ballot propositions in the November 2024 election. Members of LWV throughout California provide a rich network of deep knowledge in law, education, medicine, budgeting, and the history of California legislation. This makes understanding the measures much easier than if we each attempted it on our own. The opportunity to understand ballot measures in an unbiased way is a rare opportunity given the mass marketing surrounding the election.

Volunteer Booth

"Volunteers don't get paid, because they're priceless..."  Every detail of the work we do at the LWV of Nevada County is handled by a volunteer. Whether it be registering voters and handing out voter information at markets and fairs, or helping local candidate forums run smoothly, or holding a position on the Board, our volunteers are the wheels on the bus. 

August 2024 newsletter

We're are on a wild political roller coaster right now, but there's a lot we can do both as a group and an individual. Read the August newsletter for some ideas about how you can participate in the lead up to the November Elections. You'll also find information about volunteer opportunities, civic meetings of the month, a fun trivia game to test your civics chops, and a blast-from-the past video in which rivals Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford treat each other with respect following the 1976 presidential race. 

Educated Voter

LWV Nevada County provides information to help voters navigate and understand the complex system we participate in to manage our government. This includes voting processes as well as detailed information to help you decide whether to vote Yes or No on each ballot measure without influencing you to vote a certain way. We hold events to explain ballot measures and moderate questions to candidates in an impartial, fair, and balanced manner.